In this tutorial I will show you how to create a cool looking clock
app for Windows Phone 7. Expression Blend will be used for designing
this app as it is a very powerful tool for quickly creating compelling
For following the tutorial you will need to download and install the
Windows Phone 7 SDK. After finishing the installation you will end up
with Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone 7, Expression Blend for
Windows Phone 7, and Windows Phone Emulator.
The first step is to download and install the Windows Phone 7.5 SDK.
Before we start, here is the final image of what we are going to build.
The app itself is a very simple clock app that shows the time &
date. We will use animation to bring in the elements when the
application starts. The bulk of the work will be putting together the
screen elements and aligning them properly and creating the startup
animation. We will also add a little bit of code to update the date and
time periodically.
Project Setup
First, you will need to create a project in Expression Blend. For
this, you will need to select File > New Project in Expression Blend
and select the Windows Phone Application Project template.
Provide a name for your project. I will use
MinimalClock for my project.
Once the project is created, select
Project > Run Project
to run your project. You will notice that the project compiles and then
Blend launches the Windows Phone 7 emulator. Sooner or later, you will
see your app running in the emulator. Hit the home button on the
emulator to quit your app. Doing so will stop the debugging session and
will get you to the home screen on your emulator. Once you’re done
looking around in the emulator, switch back to Expression Blend.
Designing the UI
Now we will put together the UI for the MinimalClock app. After the
project is created you will see this in your Expression Blend:
First, we need to remove all the controls that were created by the project template for us. In the
Objects and Timeline, right click on the
TitlePanel and choose
Delete to remove the control.
We also need to change the layout type to Canvas instead of Grid, so
we can freely move around our controls. To do this, right-click on the
ContentPanel and select
Canvas in
Change Layout Type menu.
Once finished, your
Objects and Timeline should look like this.
And your application page should be empty like this:

alt="Empty Application Page"
title="Empty Application Page" />
Now, we have the empty application page and we are ready to start adding controls to it.
On the toolbar menu, select the
Text tool and
TextBlock. Draw a rectangle on your application page in any size. We will fix the size later.
This will be the TextBlock that we will be using for displaying the
hour part of the time, so we will need to rename it to TimeHour. We will
also need to change this to be slightly larger.
On the right hand side, find the properties Window. Make sure that
the TextBlock you have just created is selected and change its name to
TimeHour and hit
Next, you will need to change the content of the
TimeHour control, so navigate to the Text property and change its value to 12. Then hit
A faster way to find any property on the properties tab is to use the
search area and start typing the name of the property. Be careful to
clear the search box after you have finished modifying your property as
all the other properties will remain hidden by your search.
Next, we will create a style for our TimeHour control. Styles are a
collection of visual properties that can be applied on a given control
type. We will be saving a lot of work with styles. This can be done by
right clicking on the control itself in the
Objects and Timeline palette and navigate to the
Edit Style menu and select
Create Empty
Next, we need to give the name of the style:
TimeTextStyle, and then make sure to select
This Document where the style will be defined.
After creating the style, we will find ourselves in the style editor. You will be recognizing it by looking at the editor Window
On the properties pane, change the following. Do a search for
Font in the
Property Search field, but do not forget to clear it later to unhide the other properties.
- Font: Segoe WP
- Font: Size: 164
- Font Wight: Bold
You will also need to change the
Height and
Width to
Auto in our style, by clicking on the small crossed arrow symbol right next to the size field.
Now we are done editing our style, so we can leave the style edit
mode clicking on the TimeHours label on the top of our design surface.
Now, we need another TextBlock to show the minutes for the current
time and another for showing the dots between them. For this, select the
TimeHours on the
Objects and Timeline and press Ctrl-C to copy and press Ctrl-V twice to create two copies. You wil end up with this in your
Objects and Timeline panel.
You will need to do the following changes:
- Rename TimeHours_Copy to TimeDots
- Change the Text property to :
- Rename TimeHours_Copy1 to TimeMinutes
- Change TimeMinutes Text property to 59
Positioning the Time Elements
Now, we have all the textblocks that we need for displaying the Time.
All we need is to align them and place them a bit further away from
each other.
First, you will need to select all three controls in the
Objects and Timeline palette and right-click on them, select
Align and
Vertical Centers.
You will need to put a littlebit of spacing between the time
elements. For moving the elements precisely, you can use the arrow keys.
If you use the arrow keys the control will move one pixel in the given
directions and if you use the arrow with shift key then the control will
be moved by 10 pixels.
Select the TimeHours textblock on the Ojects and Timeline palette and
move it 5 pixels left. Select the TimeMinutes textblock and press the
right arrow five times to move it right 5 pixels. Once, you are done you
will end up with omething like this.
Finally, we will need to combine the elements into a single control, so it will be easier to manipulate later.
To do this you will need to select all
TimeDots and
TimeMinutes on the
Objects and Timeline palette. Right click on the selected items and choose
Group Into and
Double click on the newly created
[Canvas] element and rename it to
TimeText. Now your object structure should look like this.
Adding Bars and the application title
Lastly, we will add two bars. One vertical and one horizontal to make
the UI a bit more interesting. We will also add the name of the app.
First, make sure that
ContentPanel is selected on the
Objects and Timeline palette, then select the
Rectangle on the toolbar or use its shortcode
Draw a horizontal rectangle just above the TimeText control. Next, you
will need to change the properties of this rectangle. Make sure that
your rectangle is selected and on the
Properties palette change the following:
- Set Name property to HorizontalSeparator.
- Set Height property to 4 px.
- Set Width property to 587 px.
Now we are going to change the fill property of the
HorizontalSpearator to one of the built in styles called
This will reuse the current selected theme’s accent color. With this
modification the application will reuse the primary color of the current
In order to change the fill, select
HorizontalSeparator and locate the last tab on the color editor called
Brush resources. Then select the
PhoneAccentBrush from the list.
Also, we need to set the
Stroke property of
HorizontalSeparator to
No Brush. You can do this by selecting
Stroke property just right under of the
Brush property and then select the first tab on the color editor.
We need a second bar called horizontal bar. For this, once more select the
Rectangle tool or hit
M to select it. Draw a rectangle just below the
TimeText control and set the following properties.
- Set the Name property to VerticalSeparator
- Fill to PhoneAccentBrush
- Stroke to No Brush
- Width to 4px
- Height to 350px
These separators will go over the boundaries of the screen, but this
is intended. You will need to position the separators around the Time
part like this:
Now we need to add the application title. Select the
TextBlock tool from the
Tools palette or press
T. Draw a
TextBlock just above the
HorizontalSeparator and change the following properties.
- Set the Name property to ApplicationTitle
- Set the Text property to MOBILETUTS MINIMAL CLOCK
- Set the Foreground property to PhoneAccentStyle
- Set the FontSize property to 12pt
This is what it should look like now:
Creating Seconds
To create the seconds you will need to add a new TextBlock to the
application page. Select the TextBlock tool from the Tools palette, or
press the T key.
Draw a TextBlock just below the Time and set the following properties:
- Set the Name property to SecondsLabel
- Set the Text property to seconds.
Next we will define a style for this element and later we will reuse this style for formatting the day labels as well.
To create a new style select the
SecondsLabel on the design surface, right click on it and in the
Edit Style menu, choose
Create Empty.
SmallTextStyle as the name of style and click on the OK button to create the style.
Next, you will find yourself in the style editor. Change the following property:
- Set the Font Size to 28px.
Also, set the top and bottom margin to 2 pixels.
You can leave the style editing mode by clicking on the SecondsLabel on the top-left area on your design surface.
Draw a second
TextBlock below
SecondsLabel and change the properties like this:
- Set the Name property to TimeSeconds
- Set the Text property to 59
- Set the FontSize property to 140pt
- Set the Width property to 210px
With all the changes the phone application page should look like this:
Creating Date
Now we are ready to create the part that will display the current date. For this select again the
TextBlock tool or press the
T key to access it quickly.
Draw a TextBlock just right above the HorizontalSeparator control and change its properties as the following:
- Set the Name property to DateText
- Set the Text property to 2012/12/13
- Set the Font Size to 22 pt.
Here is how the application page looks after adding the DateText.
Creating Days
Finally, we will create the control responsible for displaying the
days. We will need seven TextBlock to display each day of the week. You
will need to add the m one by one. Select the
TextBlock tool from Tool palette or press the
T key and place all TextBlocks on the right side of the VerticalSeparator.
- Set the Name property to Day1
- Set the Text property to mon
- Set the Name property to Day2
- Set the Text property to tue
- Set the Name property to Day3
- Set the Text property to wed
- Set the Name property to Day4
- Set the Text property to thu
- Set the Name property to Day5
- Set the Text property to Fri
- Set the Name property to Day6
- Set the Text property to sat
- Set the Name property to Day7
- Set the Text property to sun
For each of the day text block change the style by right clicking one the controls one by one, select the
Edit Style menu and then choose the
Apply Resource. Select style
SmallTextStyle that we defined earlier.

alt="Selecting SmallTextStyle" title="Selecting SmallTextStyle" />
After this we need to arrange the textblocks as shown in the screenshot below.
If the days not aligned correctly, then select them all in the
Objects and Timeline palette, right click and select
Left Edges from
Align menu.
Next we need to combine the days into a new container, so we can
manipulate them easier later. With all the days selected, right click on
them and select
StackPanel from the
Group Into menu.
Double click on the newlz created
[StackPanel] element and change it’s name to
We have one last step in order to finish the UI design phase and to
get to the planned look of our application. We need to slightly rotate
our whole UI.
For this, select the
ContentPanel in the
Objects and Timeline palette and then go to the
Properties and change and in the
Transform property group, change the
Rotation Angle to
-30 degrees.
After looking at the rotated screen, we notice that the screen
elements are slightly off. They need to be repositioned in order to
look nicer when rotated.
We need to change the position of the
DateText and the ApplicationTitle. You will need to change the following properties:
- Set the Left property of DateText to 380.
- Set the Width property of HorizontalSeparator to 620, so it goes over the screen boundaries.
- Set the Left property of the ApplicationTitle to 16 to bring the application title to closer to the center of the screen.
You can also select the control that you would like to reposition and
use the arrow keys for slightly moving around the controls pixel by
pixel and use Shift key with the Arrow keys to move them around 10
pixels at a time.
Now that all the controls are in place, the UI is done and the animations can be added.
### Device Tab
In the initial screenshot you can see that the separator lines are
red, but in my screenshot they are blue. This happens, because the
device has different accent color set up. You can change the device
theme, by clicking the
Device tab just next to the
tab. Here you will be able to change the orientation of the device,
applying different accent color and see how the application look like if
the dark or light theme is selected. I encourage you to play around a
little with the settings.
States and Storyboards
Next, we will create the initial animation that will be playing when
the application launched. The animation will move the TimeText,
WeekDays, TimeSeconds, DateText controls to their initial location.
Animations in Expression Blend are based on creating key frames and
then modify certain properties in that key frame. This will tell the
animation subsystem that the property needs to be animated and the value
should be as specified in the key frame. For example, if you create a
key frame at 1 seconds for the TimeText and then change the location of
and opacity of the control then these properties will be animated.
Creating Storyboard for the initial animation
First, you need to create a new story board in the
Objects and Timeline palette by pressing the
+ button.
Provide the name
InitialAnimation for your new storyboard and click
Ok to create it.
Now that we have the storyboard created, you will see something like
this in the Objects and Timeline palette. On the left hand side you will
see that our storyboard called InitialAnimation is selected and the
little red led indicates that the recording is on. This means that if we
change any properties of any control it will be part of the storyboard
instead of changing the UI.
Animating TimeText Opacity
On the left hand side of the palette you can see the timeline part.
Here you can move forward or backwards in time and you can add
keyframes. Next, we will animate the TimeText and its Opacity property.
We will animate the Opacity property from 0 percent to 100 percent in 1
second. In order to do this, select TimeText in the Objects and Timeline
palette and make sure that the playhead is at 0 seconds and click the
Record Keyframe button.
The result will be that a new keyframe is added for Timetext at 0
seconds. You will also notice that a little red dot is added to
TimeText, this means that the InitialAnimation is changing this control.
Now, you will need to go to the
Properties palette and change the
Opacity of
TimeText to be
0 percent.
Next, you will need to move the playhead to 1 second and click the Record Keyframe.
Then again, go to the
Properties palette and change the
Opacity of
TimeText to
100 percent.
The animation is now ready and you can observe it by clicking the Play button:
You can move around the keyframes, if you want to tweak the animation.
Animating TimeText position
Select the 0 second
keyframe from
TimeText. Temporarily change back the
Opacity property to 95 percent, so you can see what you are doing. Then a couple of times hit the
Shift and Left Arrow key combination. With this, you will move out
TimeText from the screen. This will be the starting position of our movement. Do not forget to change back the
Opacity property to
0 percent.
Select the 1 seconds
keyframe of
TimeText then you will need to do the following. Hit once the
right arrow
key on your keyboard – moving the control 1 pixel to the right – and
then hit the left arrow key once – moving the control 1 pixel to the
left. With this change we will essentially record the current position
of our TimeText control and instruct the storyboard to move it to this
location regardless of the initial position.
Try to play the animation. If everything worked out, then you should see the
TimeText moving in to the screen and gradually appearing at the same time.
One more thing we can do to spice up the animation is to configure
the easing for the animation. This will make the animation more natural.
For this, select the
1s key frame of our animation. Then change the
Easing Function property to
Back InOut on the
Property palette.
Play the animation once again to show how the animation behaves now.
If you would like, change the easing to see how each easing function
Animating TimeSeconds
Next, we will be animating
TimeSeconds, the control used to display the seconds part of the current time. For this, select
TimeSeconds and add keyframes to the timeline at 0 seconds and at 1 seconds. Then do the following:
- Select the first key frame of TimeSeconds
- Set the Opacity property of TimeSeconds to 0 percent.
- Press the shift + down arrow keys together on your keyboard a couple of times to move TimeSeconds out of the screen.
Select the second key frame of TimeSeconds
- Set the Opacity property of TimeSeconds to 100 percent.
- Press the down arrow on your keyboard once and then the up arrow once to record the position of TimeSeconds.
- Select the second keyframe and change the easing function to Back InOut.
Lastly, we will need to animate the controls that are responsible for
displaying the current date and days in the application. These
animation will be simple they will animate the opacity of these controls
from 0 percent to 100 percent.
- Select Weekdays in the Objects and Timeline palette and add a keyframe at 0 seconds.
- Change the opacity to 0 percent
- Move the playhead to 1 second
- Add the second key frame by clicking on the Record keyframe button
Change the opacity to 100 percent.
Select the DateText control in the Objects and Timeline palette and add a keyframe at 0 seconds.
- Change the opacity to 0 percent
- Move the playhead to 1 second
- Add the second key frame by clicking on the Record keyframe button
- Change the opacity to 100 percent.
Setting up the initial state
One last thing needed to be done is to quit the animation mode and
change the opacity to 0 for all controls that we are animating in the
InitialAnimation story board. Close the storyboard in the
Objects and Timeline palette by clicking the
X button next to the story board name.
Then select each of the controls animated and set their opacity properties to 0 percent.
Now that the animation is done, all is needed to add a bit of code to
do the screen updating, so the content of our screen is updated each
seconds and to start our initial animation when the application screen
is loaded.
Writing a Little Code
Now the application is almost finished. All we need to do is to add a
little bit of code to refresh the screen every half second and to play
our initial animation.
In order to update the screen periodically, a
DispatchTimer needs to be created when the page finishes loading. For this, an event handler for the page loaded event needs to be created.
Create Event Handlers
First, select the application page from the
Objects and Timeline palette.
Then on the
Properties palette select the
Events tab.
In the list of events, select the
Loaded event and
double-click to create the event handler. A new window with the code behind for our application page.
First, the dispatch timer needs to be defined in the class file (
MainPage.xaml.cs). A “using” statement needs to be added just after the last using stement at the top of the class file.
using System.Windows.Threading;
Then add the following line just after the class definition:
private DispatcherTimer _timer;
In the Loaded event add the following code lines:
RefreshUI(this, null);
Storyboard sb = (Storyboard)this.Resources["IntialAnimation"];
sb.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1);
_timer = new DispatcherTimer();
_timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4);
_timer.Tick += RefreshUI;
What this piece of code will do is first call a method that will
update the UI to the current time and day before the initial animation
is set up to run in 0.4 seconds and will wire up our timer to run every
half seconds and call the RefreshUI method.
Next, a new method needs to be added to stop the timer when we leave
the application. The method called OnNavigatedFrom looks like this:
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
if (_timer != null)
One last piece is missing: the
RefreshUI method that updates the UI.
public void RefreshUI(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
int seconds = dt.Second;
int minutes = dt.Minute;
int hour = dt.Hour;
int year = dt.Year;
// Time
if (TimeHours.Text != dt.Hour.ToString())
TimeHours.Text = dt.Hour.ToString();
if (TimeMinutes.Text != dt.Minute.ToString("D2"))
TimeMinutes.Text = dt.Minute.ToString("D2");
if (TimeSeconds.Text != dt.Second.ToString("D2"))
TimeSeconds.Text = dt.Second.ToString("D2");
The final code will look like this:
If all went well, then after pressing
Ctrl-Shift-B or select menu,
Build Project, the project should build without errors. If the project is built without any problem then select
Run Project to run the application.
This article just scratched the surface of what is possible using
Blend for creating Windows Phone 7 apps. I would encourage you to take
this app and experiment with animating the UI or alter the app in other
ways. It is fun!